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mY EverY sUNdaY mOrninG

As u can see, my every Sunday morning is always fun,excited,tense,and etc. I love do business,oh ya, I'm actually sell keychain at carboot sale at Stadium Shah Alam, section13. Business is always fun and get fascinated when we talk about business, and for future(next new semester) i want expend my business,I want sale other thing,i got three target in my mind,1stly i want be TOP UP AGENT,2ndly i want SALE JERSEY and lastly i want SALE KEREPEK. So i want invite u guy to go my carboot sale and see what I'm selling,if u like my thing u can buy it at once,haha...The price i guarantee u can be negosiate and will give u fren price.Lastly i really hope u can help me and support me in my business,to all my frens thanks you very much...